One of our core objectives is to support sustainable development by financing the transition to renewable energy.


Wind, solar and battery energy storage portfolio capacity, including development projects, in 2024


emissions in 2024* 


Households supplied with renewable energy* 

*Above figures are based on the total capacity of assets. The Taaleri Energia funds’ ownership percentage of assets varies. Avoided emissions and households supplied are calculated by using the European Investment Bank's emission factors.


Sustainable Investment

We incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies throughout the investment process and in asset management. We engage positively with landowners and relevant stakeholders such as local communities. 

Our investments create significant employment during the construction and operation of the power plants. Additionally, the investments improve local infrastructure and the electrical grid.

We have built a proprietary Environmental and Social Management System to identify, manage, monitor and report environmental and social impacts throughout the life of the investments.


EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

Taaleri Energia Funds Management is covered by the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. This regulation introduces greater transparency and access to information on sustainability for investors.

The funds contribute to sustainable investment objectives through the construction and production of renewable energy; therefore, contributing to significant CO2 emission offsets.

Please refer to our ESG Policy for further information on our internal processes and fund specific websites  for sustainability disclosures.


Good Governance

Taaleri Energia follows good governance practices and complies with
all applicable national, local, and EU-level laws and regulations, and adheres to Taaleri Plc’s Code of Conduct, Sustainability Risk Policy, and Sustainability Policy as well as own ESG Policy, and Remuneration Policy.  

Taaleri Energia strives, whenever possible, to ensure that our business partners follow principles that are consistent with our policies, principles, and our Partner Code of Conduct. Generally, business partners are carefully selected, and we do not operate or enter into business relationships with parties that violate laws or good business practices.  

Our investees are required to commit to reporting financial and other information and to develop and put in place appropriate processes for managing and documenting good governance practices. 



Taaleri Energia's remuneration policy is designed to align with our value creation, commitment to sustainability and risk management practices. The policy ensures that variable compensation structures support our long-term interests, including our managed funds, investments, and investors while incorporating sustainability and risks into performance evaluations.

Inclusion of Sustainability Risks: Our remuneration system is developed to consider sustainability goals, among other factors. The remuneration policy is part of Taaleri Energia's broader internal control framework, aiming to prevent unsound risk-taking. Short-term incentives for variable remuneration incorporate sustainability-related targets to ensure that all personnel actions and decisions support our long-term sustainability objectives and avoid promoting risk-taking that could compromise these goals.

Regulatory Compliance and Remuneration: Our remuneration policy is designed with due regard to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation EU/2019/2088 and its amending regulations. The variable remuneration is based on the achievement of personal, business unit, and overall business objectives, which are carefully assessed for their alignment with sustainability considerations and goals. Acting contrary to the sustainability risk policy or remuneration policy guidelines may lead to the nullification of variable compensation.

By incorporating these elements, we not only adhere to EU regulations but also support sustainable investment practices, aligning employee incentives with the broader sustainability goals.



Taaleri Energia’s Sustainability report 2024 summarises sustainability highlights, and the manager’s view on topical sustainability matters. Download your own copy of the report here (pdf).

Taaleri Energia reports on its activities aligned with the frameworks published by (TCFD) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures). The 2024 report is available here (pdf).

Taaleri Energia Funds Management Ltd considers the principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors. The voluntary statement is the consolidated statement on principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors of Taaleri Energia Funds Management Ltd. Is available here (pdf).

Reports from previous years are available in Taaleri Plc's document archive.


Memberships & Commitments

Taaleri Group is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.

We are a member of the Finnish Sustainable Investment Forum (FINSIF) and FIBS - Finnish Business & Society, the largest corporate responsibility network in the Nordic countries that strives to accelerate responsible business and related expertise.

Taaleri Energia is a member of the Solar Stewardship

Principles for Responsible Investment logo
Solar Stewardship Iniative Member Logo